April Annotation

A Note From Jim

I'm hugely relieved and happy with the results of my recent efforts around the city update process. That area of code has been a pretty painful burden for a while - a pain that many of you have unfortunately shared with me. While there are still some zero-street cities to clean up, so much has been fixed - it's great to see cities back on a ~2 week update schedule and not causing issues around people's stats, sending too many notifications, etc.

With that out of the way, I'm excited to return to previously-planned efforts like Crews and expanded leaderboards. I've also been having fun over on Instagram. I've got some scheduled themes that are fun to put together & hopefully fun for you all to see/read through.

As always, you can reply to any email you receive from CityStrides - your reply goes straight to my inbox. Try it out! Reply and let me know one thing you wish CityStrides had or did better.

Have fun out there!

I post more regularly in the Announcements category in the forum. If you'd like a more frequent view of new features/changes/fixes/etc in CityStrides, definitely keep an eye on that. You can also subscribe to updates by clicking the bell in that category page & choosing "Tracking" or "Watching First Post" from the list of options. If you have a valid email address in the forum, you'll receive email alerts after subscribing.

🆕 New Stuff

🛠️ Changed Stuff

🐛 Fixed Stuff

AMSAP (As Many Streets As Possible)

AMSAP March 2024 wrapped up with John Erwin winning at 872 streets.
Coming in second and third were Nick Kollett with 662 streets and Nicolas Parke with 597 streets.

The AMSAP Challenges can be found in the "Featured" section of the Challenges page. It's a Supporter Feature that currently requires you to manually join each month (or however frequently you want to participate).

National Walking Day Results

Last year we saw 8,098 people complete 37,476 streets in 3,959 cities across 72 countries
This year - 10,675 people completed 51,089 streets in 4,703 cities across 75 countries!

The top 5 finishers were:

View your own results in the challenge page itself. You're listed at the top of the page if you're logged in while viewing it.
Everyone is automatically entered into the challenge, which is why you might notice way more than 10,675 people listed there. We're not all run-streakers!

📣 Upcoming: Global Running Day

We're 40 days away from this yearly event. Everyone is automatically entered, and previously completed streets count for this single-day challenge.

Follow along on June 5th

Last year we saw 9,270 people complete 41,066 streets in 4,158 cities across 65 countries

T-shirts, moisture-wicking shirts, hoodies, stickers, magnets, and pins - start at the list of designs, then decide what you want it on. You're not limited to just the CityStrides logo any more, either. Most badges are available in the store, as well as some custom t-shirt designs.

Upcoming Promos

Honestly - if you're thinking about buying any merch, don't buy it full price. There are sales every month that will save you some money.

May 3rd – 7th ... 20% off everything
May 11th – 16th ... 15% off everything
May 25th – 29th ... Free shipping
Memorial Day on May 27th ... 25% off everything

CityStrides Street View

I'm re-sharing first-person perspective posts/stories/reels on Instagram as a new #CityStridesStreetView series. Right now, these are all going into Instagram Stories, but if there's enough interest I might be able to turn them into a weekly series of posts.

I love being able to see places around the world through the photos you all take while out there completing streets.
Let's show each other where we're running!

City Spotlight

Every Monday, I'll be sharing stats in one city as part of a City Spotlight series. So far, I've done Boston (3rd place for most runners) & London (#1 most runners in the world). I started with these two cities since they both hosted incredibly popular marathons. Comment on any of the City Spotlight posts if you want your city covered!

London's numbers are huge, with 12,494 people having finished 39,346 streets by running 9,110.69 miles!

Finisher Friday

Similarly, every Friday I'll be posting a series that highlights people who have finished their city, along with some global stats from the past week. I chose this week's randomly. Get in touch if you'd like to be highlighted!


Thanks for reading (or 👋 hello/goodbye to those of you speed-scrolling down here for the unsubscribe link 😭). If there's anything you'd like added/changed in this newsletter, please share your thoughts in the Newsletter Topics post in the forum.


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