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November Notes

A Note From Jim

👋 Hey! My last email into this newsletter was in 2019 😅 so way too much has happened for me to do a full recap here. If you want a detailed view of what's happened since then, you can check out the Announcements category in the forum. In the future, I'll have a section that reviews changes/additions since the last email.

I plan on sending these out monthly, with a set list of recurring topics that will probably be pretty similar to this email. If there's anything you'd like added, please share your thoughts in the Newsletter Topics post in the forum.

🏃‍♂️ Let's go!



We've got a few regular challenges that happen once a year. I'll focus on two - one that recently finished and one that's going on right now.

Nightmare RUN

Nightmare RUN

Nightmare RUN was a fun one that I put together just for Halloween. I redesigned the map and set all streets around the world to be Elm Street. We completed to see how many Elm Streets we could run in one day. It was a low-attended challenge, with only 24 of us taking part. The winner finished out with 49 streets.


Our second year! This Nodevember is already almost halfway to last year's total street count. 🤯 As of writing this, Gabrielle Roy is in the lead with 659 streets. We've got 29,455 people in 95 countries so far, totaling 12,932 cities. That page is updated, live, whenever activities are saved - it's fun to see the stats climb and, in the early days of the challenge, new dots appear on the map (it's a bit harder to spot those now that there are so many).


In The Works

Here are a couple things I'm working on now that I really want feedback for. I'm always working on a number of things - keep an eye on the Ideas Category in the forum, and vote for the stuff you like. Your opinion and perspective matter!


The core idea is to have the ability to create a Crew which allow several things - work together to finish cities, compete inside the Crew to have the most completed streets, and compete against other Crews in cities.

Check out the post in the forum for the full details, and comment to share your perspective:

Planned Runs

The core idea is a one-off/recurring event that can be attached to a city, as a way of planning a group run.

Check out the post in the forum for the full details, and comment to share your perspective:



My wife ran the CityStrides Instagram account for a while (back when it was good). I'm trying to be more active over there, sharing info about Challenges, feature highlights, merchandise sales/specials, etc. Things are just getting started but I'm particularly happy with what my friend/trainer, Lindsay at The Reset Fitness, put together when I suggested we collaborate on a post. Click through to check it out:


CityStrides Community Instagram Merchandise